
Communication Seminar

Hello to all,

Well the time has come and after a huge interest from friends, colleagues and clients I am posting the official request for serious interest in a seminar with world renowned Wendy Wolfe, Animal communicator (www.wendywolfe.com).

Wendy has been trained in 'speaking' telepathically with animals. She is a very good friend of mine and has communicated with my own animals on several occasions. I have worked with her and seen her work from up close. She is able to communicate with lost animals thereby helping their owner find them. She is able to understand by using this ability what is troubling an animal and really get down to the gist of a problem. She therefore works with problem animals and their owners with the aim of rehabiliting them.

Animals, due to the fact that they don't have such an evolved language as we humans do, rely on their telepathic abilities to communicate with other animals and with their human companions. We used to use this sixth sense to a much greater extent than we do today. Today we have almost lost it. Imagine all the messages that we are missing from our animals! It isn't difficult, however, to bring this ability to the surface again.

We all have telepathic experiences with our animals, whether we realise it or not. Has your dog ever run up to the phone when it's owner is on the other end in an attempt to reach it? ............. telepathy. Have you even just looked at your animal and suddenly realised exactly what it is trying to tell you?.............telepathy. Have you ever been told that your dog sits and waits behind the front door 20mins-30mins before you show up (I know mine do!!!!!!!)................telepathy. There are many such examples and research that has been done specifically with parrots that investigate this issue. It's not magic and it's not surreal, it is just the development of an innate ability that we all relied on before our minds became so complex and language took over.

SO..........would you like to practise this ability a little? I sure would and since Wendy happens to be such a good friend it is possible to bring her over. Right here to Athens Greece for a workshop. The workshop will be held sometime in October 2008 in Athens.

I am very much looking forward to this workshop as it will help me and all you who work with animals to understand them and their problems better. It will also help us understand our own animals better and open a window to better communication.

If you are intersted then please contact me at mpeters@ark.info

Marilyn Peters BSc MSc mIAAWE
Holistic Animal Behaviour Counsellor