
Mouse's Cat Rescue - A tribute to Mouse

I proudly present to you the MCR (Mouse's Cat Rescue)!!!!!!!!!

Why Mouse's Cat Rescue of all names for a rescue project?!!! This project is dedicated to the only animal that I have tragically lost in the hope that helping other cats will keep his memory alive. This is dedicated to Mouse, a beautiful soul who left me too soon due to a tragic mistake on my part. He knows that I am sorry and I know that he has forgiven me. Therefore this is the beginning of a big project in his memory and all help is welcome!!!!

What is the Goal of the MCR

The MCR is primarily interested in spaying and neutering all cats in Benitses Corfu and Kifissia Athens. In addition medical help and vaccination will be given to all cats that are in need.

The situation in Benitses is beyond imaginable. Currently around my house in my neighborhood alone there are 5 mothers (2 are sick) and they each have an average of 4 kittens. Most of the kittens (now around 3 weeks old to 2 months old) have herpes conjunctivitis in their eyes and I am currently treating them with topical antibiotics in the hope that they will not lose them. Unfortunately I alone do not have the funds to even begin a program such as this, therefore I have begun looking for funding. I am also looking for any advice or information that you think may be of help to me as this is something that needs planning and organization and especially FUNDING.

Please feel free to contact me via e-mail (that you will find in my profile) if you think that you may have something to offer (even ideas are welcome at this point).



HAC- The Human Animal Conflict- Revenge, natural progression or mis-communication?

There is even a scientific name for it........HAC (Human Animal Conflict). The HAC describes the worrying rise in animal attacks on humans and is a field of science that is growing with demand.

It has been reported in the Daily Telegraph's article 'Mad Cows (and livid lambs)' and in the Greek newspaper TA NEA in their article 'Τα ζώα παίρνουν το αίμα τους πίσω' that animals are taking revenge on humans by their increasing number of attacks on them for everything that humans have put them through.

How does this make me feel? There have definitely been documented attempts of revenge on humans by animals, however, I feel that it is important not to assume that the whole animal community of this planet is planning revenge on the human species (although in my mind they should!!!!!).

This phenomenon can be explained although it is important to previously categorize animals and the types of attacks on humans. It is dangerous to generalise so much as this could lead to great misunderstanding and increased levels of fear towards animals.

The wild animals that live in groups are, in my opinion, overexposed to human greed and brutality and have suffered greatly as a result for many many years. I believe it to be true that many of the animals, that are now adults, lived a childhood witnessing brutal killings of their families or stress due to lack of land or food. They suffered a lot of stress and disruption leading to distressed adult minds that recognise humans to be the source of their pain. " When you see reports of elephants running into crops or attacking people, they're highly stressed," and "there are multiple stressors - violence, lack of food, lack of water; their families are being broken up; their society is collapsing. All of these things are human-derived."

I also believe that wild animals have been living too closely to humans for a number of years which gives them the ability to observe and understand us better but also to realise what we can offer them.

When it comes to domestic animals I think that the story is very different though. As far as domestic animals are concerned I can say with confidence that problems arise due to lack of knowledge of their natural behaviour and ethology and lack of their specific needs being met. This is where anthropomorphism is taking place, not when discussing wild animals that have blatantly had enough of the long years of abuse.

People are still not realizing that cats and dogs are descendants of wilder animals and that they are not humans and cannot be treated as such without severe consequences. Pet violence against humans is, therefore, for the most part, human derived as I guess is also the violence shown by the wild animals!!!!!!! Draw your own conclusions!!!!


ΔΙΑΜΑΡΤΥΡΙΑ της Πανελλήνιας Φιλοζωϊκής Ομοσπονδίας

ΔΙΑΜΑΡΤΥΡΙΑ της Πανελλήνιας Φιλοζωϊκής Ομοσπονδίας


Αν η αδιαφορία είναι έγκλημα,
πώς χαρακτηρίζεται η παρεμπόδιση της φιλοζωίας;

Αγαπητές οικογένειες και φίλοι των ζώων,

Αν πιστεύετε ότι είναι δικαίωμα κάθε πολίτη:

- να υιοθετήσει ένα αδέσποτο ζώο από το δρόμο ή από
φιλοζωική οργάνωση,

- να μαζέψει ένα ζώο από το δρόμο με σκοπό να βρει την
οικογένεια που το έχασε, ή κάποιον να το υιοθετήσει,

- να του ανήκουν περισσότεροι από δυο σκύλοι και γάτες,

- να του επιτρέπεται να ταξιδέψει μαζί με όλα τα ζώα του,

ελάτε μαζί μας να ενώσουμε τις φωνές μας για να
υπερασπιστούμε αυτά τα δικαιώματα που είναι κατοχυρωμένα
από την Ελληνική και την Ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία.
Όμως το Υπουργείο Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης προσπαθεί
να μας τα στερήσει, εκδίδοντας εγκυκλίους που
αντιστρατεύονται τη νομοθεσία και αποπροσανατολίζουν
τις αρμόδιες υπηρεσίες.

Αυτό που σας ζητάμε για να μπορέσουμε να
υπερασπιστούμε τα αυτονόητα αυτά δικαιώματα
μας είναι να συμβάλλετε στην εκστρατεία διαμαρτυρίας
που ξεκινάμε με τίτλο «ΕΣΥ ΤΟ ΚΑΤΑΔΙΚΑΣΕΣ, ΕΓΩ ΤΟ ΕΣΩΣΑ».

Αρκεί για το σκοπό αυτό να μας στείλετε μια
φωτογραφία στην οποία εικονίζεστε εσείς μαζί
με τα ζώα σας, έχοντας το χέρι σας υψωμένο σε
χαιρετισμό, ώστε αυτή η ομοιομορφία της στάσης να
αποδεικνύει τη χρονική στιγμή και τον σκοπό για τον
οποίο βγήκε η φωτογραφία.

Έτσι θα δείξουμε ότι τα ζώα που υιοθετήθηκαν
ζουν ευτυχισμένα με τις οικογένειές τους, σε πείσμα
όσων ισχυρίζονται το αντίθετο και τα θέλουν να
πεθαίνουν στους δρόμους.

Στείλτε μας τη φωτογραφία αυτή με email στο protest@pfo.gr.

Πανελλήνια Φιλοζωϊκή Ομοσπονδία

Πανελλήνια Φιλοζωϊκή Ομοσπονδία
Ερμού 118,Αθήνα-ΤΚ 10554,Τηλ.210 6753533,info@pfo.gr,www.pfo.gr


Tommy enters my life

People wonder why he is still with me. Sometimes so do I!!!!! He has caused such upheaval in my life that, I will not deny, has been very challenging. There have been days when I have gone as far as to put adds looking for a new home for him. I knew that he wasn't going anywhere though.
Tommy came into my life long before I adopted him. He was roaming the streets of my neighbourhood for 3 years pior to attaching himself to me, probably checking out the ins and outs of his future home. Actually he first attached himself to Nin running directly at us when he got the slightest clue as to our whereabouts on the street. He would come whining and crying as he galloped towards us. We would walk together and play together and he would finally end up outside our house leaving only after he had made sure that we wouldn't come out again. Towards the end of his stray life he had actually started coming up to our front door at random times and pawing it while whining to get his friend out to play with him.
One day it was heard amongst the doggy world of Kifissia that someone had viciously poked the eye out of one of the stray dogs!!! Not knowing who it was I asked around and found out that it was Tommy. I felt sick to my stomach and although wanted to go and see him feared that I would only upset him if I showed up at the vet clinic he was held at. His eye was removed and closed up and then he was left out on the street again. I found him as thin as ever (as they don't feed the strays properly at the vets so that they don't dirty their cage!!!) roaming the once familiar streets while bumping into cars. His eye still had stitches and noone had bothered to take him for them to be removed and was, therefore all swollen and sore.

I took one look at Nin and said 'should we?' and he clearly replied 'Yes' so he came to live with us. Life instantly became more complicated. I never thought that there was a difference between owning one dog and owning two. Suddenly you are an attraction on the streets, access is denied where it otherwise was clear, and you feel a lot less powerfull once they start lunging at other animals etc......

Tommy had a lot to learn. He had to learn to relax and enjoy life with out being so uptight all the time. He was scared and insecure and had to learn to trust me. He clearly wanted to say goodbye to street life, though, and so he was very co-operative.

Things Tommy has learnt (after a lot of hard work on my part and many many sets of essential oils for the release of trauma):
  1. You can sleep through a whole night without jumping in your sleep
  2. When a face comes close to you and touches you it feels good and you don't need to back away (kiss)
  3. Being on a leash provides security
  4. You don't need to worry about food and water
  5. You don't need to grab the food that is being given to you
  6. You can walk through another dog's territory without getting attacked
  7. You can hold your bladder for a lot longer than expected
  8. There is peace and quiet
  9. There is play
  10. There is love
  11. One needs to sit to be given things
  12. Rules, bounderies and limitations (Cezar Milan)
  13. You can exist with one eye
  14. There is a better life
  15. Life is carefree
  16. It isn't allowed to chase cats ( a little too late unfortunately (future post))
It has taken 4 very eventful, stressful, and long months for Tommy to learn all of the above and to begin to relax and enjoy life. Such is the trauma of an abused ex-stray of Greece. Rehabilitation will be long, as he is nowhere near balanced yet. But there is light. I never believed with the amount of damage that he has suffered that he would make so much progress so soon.

I always believed him to be special and this thought is what has stopped me from sending him away. He has come with a lesson. A serious and important lesson for me and although I had to pay a severe price (the loss of my beloved cat to his jaws) I know that there will be a reason.

This is for you Tommy. I am finally ready to embrace you wholeheartedly and to accept you as my own. We are sticking together for better or for worse. I love you.


Communication Seminar

Hello to all,

Well the time has come and after a huge interest from friends, colleagues and clients I am posting the official request for serious interest in a seminar with world renowned Wendy Wolfe, Animal communicator (www.wendywolfe.com).

Wendy has been trained in 'speaking' telepathically with animals. She is a very good friend of mine and has communicated with my own animals on several occasions. I have worked with her and seen her work from up close. She is able to communicate with lost animals thereby helping their owner find them. She is able to understand by using this ability what is troubling an animal and really get down to the gist of a problem. She therefore works with problem animals and their owners with the aim of rehabiliting them.

Animals, due to the fact that they don't have such an evolved language as we humans do, rely on their telepathic abilities to communicate with other animals and with their human companions. We used to use this sixth sense to a much greater extent than we do today. Today we have almost lost it. Imagine all the messages that we are missing from our animals! It isn't difficult, however, to bring this ability to the surface again.

We all have telepathic experiences with our animals, whether we realise it or not. Has your dog ever run up to the phone when it's owner is on the other end in an attempt to reach it? ............. telepathy. Have you even just looked at your animal and suddenly realised exactly what it is trying to tell you?.............telepathy. Have you ever been told that your dog sits and waits behind the front door 20mins-30mins before you show up (I know mine do!!!!!!!)................telepathy. There are many such examples and research that has been done specifically with parrots that investigate this issue. It's not magic and it's not surreal, it is just the development of an innate ability that we all relied on before our minds became so complex and language took over.

SO..........would you like to practise this ability a little? I sure would and since Wendy happens to be such a good friend it is possible to bring her over. Right here to Athens Greece for a workshop. The workshop will be held sometime in October 2008 in Athens.

I am very much looking forward to this workshop as it will help me and all you who work with animals to understand them and their problems better. It will also help us understand our own animals better and open a window to better communication.

If you are intersted then please contact me at mpeters@ark.info

Marilyn Peters BSc MSc mIAAWE
Holistic Animal Behaviour Counsellor

Geiasas, geiasas kai pali geiasas,

Gia osous eisaste idi i den ehete paei akoma diakopes sas efhomai kales diakopes kai kali fortisi ton batarion sas. Na tis fortisete kala dioti tha tis hreiasteite to heimona. Ehoume polles ekplixeis kai oraia pragmata na organosoume alla kai polla akoma zoa na sosoume (distihos).

Tora sas grafo dioti kapoioi apo esas dilosate endiaferon gia seminario me tin Wendy Wolfe Animal communicator (www.wendywolfe.com).
H Wendy milaei tilepathitika me ta zoa kai to kanei san epagelma.

Ta zoa, logo tou oti den ehoun aneptigmeni glossa san tin diki mas, xrisimopioune poli tin tilepathia, mia ekti aisthisi tin opoia tin eihame endona kai emeis oi anthropoi kapote. Pleon tin ehoume shedon hasei alla hreiazetai ligo kathodigisi kai praktiki gia na tin xanaferete stin epifaneia.

Oloi epikinonoume me ta zoa mas tilepathitika eite to katalavainoume eite ohi. Sas ehei tihi pote na parete sto spiti sas tilefono apo makria kai na erthei to zoaki sas sto tilefono eno sas milaei kapoios apo to spiti sas? ................tilepathia. Sas ehei tihei pote na sas koitaxei apla to zoo sas kai na katalavete akrivos ti thelei na sas pei?.....................tilepathia Paradeigmata iparhoun polla alla kai kapoies erevnes pou ehoun ginei eidika me papagalous. Den einai magika kai den einai exopragmatika pragmata. Einai apla i anaptixi mias ikanotitas pou eihame prin aneptihthei o nous mas toso poli kai exoterikeftoume me tin glossa mas.

Tha thelate loipon na to exaskisoume ligaki?!!! Ego sigoura nai............. kai epidi i Wendy tihainei na einai kai fili mou boro na to organoso na tin fero apo tin Ameriki ALLA epidi ta exoda tha einai megala gia na ta pliroso ola ego tha ithela na xero me sigouria poioi tha erthoun kai poioi ohi apo tora.

To seminario tha ginei kapote ton Oktomvri. Osoi perissoteroi mou peite to nai toso ligotero tha mas erthei se olous mas. Afou lavo apandiseis (meso e-mail) kai paro mia idea gia ton arithmo ton endiaferondon tha vgalo to kostos kai tha sas to po. Epeita tha prepei na mou valete ta hrimata OLA (kai ohi prokatavoles) ston logariasmo mou gia na tis kleiso ta eisitiria apo tora etsi oste na ta vro fthinotera kai gia na to kleisoume to seminario sta sigoura.

Polli anipomono na to organosoume afto dioti kai ego tha ithela poli na matho aftin tin tehniki i opoia tha me voithisei me tin douleia mou, me tin shesi mou me ta dika mou zoa alla kai afta pou sinando stin zoi mou.

Diadoste to kai eseis kai perimeno nea sas me agonia

Filia se olous sas

Marilyn Peters BSc MSc mIAAWE
Holistic Animal Behaviour Councellor



Σεμινάριο: Εισαγωγή στην Αρωματοθεραπεία για τα Ζώα

Σεμινάριο: Εισαγωγή στην Αρωματοθεραπεία για τα Ζώα

Εάν σας ενδιαφέρει να μάθετε περισσότερα για την αρωματοθεραπεία και τις εφαρμογές της με τα ζώα καθώς και να μάθετε πώς να παρέχετε στο ζωάκι σας μια καλύτερη ζωή τότε ελάτε στο διήμερο σεμινάριο αυτό στης 5 και 6 Απριλίου 2008 το οποίο διεξάγει η Μαίριλυν Πήτερς BSc MSc mIAAWE. Σάββατο 5 Απριλίου 2008 3μμ-8μμ και Κυριακή 6 Απριλίου 2008 10πμ-3μμ. Το σεμινάριο θα λάβει μέρος στην Πλατεία Αγ. Δημητρίου 13 στην Κηφισιά.

Η αρωματοθεραπεία είναι η χρήση αιθέριων ελαίων, που είναι αποστάγματα από ιατροφαρμακευτικά άνθη, βότανα, και δέντρα για την καταπολέμηση σωματικών και ψυχολογικών νοσημάτων προωθώντας έτσι την καλή υγεία, γερό ανοσοποιητικό σύστημα και την ευζωία.

Τα αιθέρια και τα ζώα

Τα ζώα στην φύση διαλέγουν ότι χρειάζονται από το οικοσύστημα στο οποίο ζουν για να επαναφέρουν ισορροπία στον οργανισμό τους όταν νοσεί. Εξημερώνοντας τα, και συνεπώς κλείνοντας τα μέσα στα σπίτια μας τους έχουμε αναιρέσει τις επιλογές αυτές. Αυτά, λοιπόν, στα αιθέρια έλαια, αναγνωρίζουν τις ιατρικές ουσίες και ενστικτωδώς διαλέγουν από αυτά όπως ακριβώς θα έκαναν στην φύση. Οι συνέπειες της σύγχρονης ζωής μας έχει σοβαρές επιπτώσεις που οδηγούν τα ζώα μας στην παθολογία και στην προβληματική συμπεριφορά. Έχοντας κάποια γνώση σχετικά με την συμπεριφορά και τα αιθέρια έλαια μπορεί κανείς να αντιμετωπίσει τα θέματα του ζώου του.

Εδώ θα μάθετε:

1) Τις ιδανικές συνθήκες διαβίωσης του κατοικίδιου σας και την φυσική διατροφή

2) Τι είναι τα αιθέρια έλαια

3) Μια εισαγωγή για το πώς χρησιμοποιούνται τα αιθέρια έλαια με τα ζώα

4) γιατί τα δίνουμε

5) πότε μπορεί να χρειαστεί το ζωάκι σας αιθέρια έλαια

6) τι παθήσεις (συμπεριφορικές και σωματικές) μπορούν να καταπολεμηθούν με τα αιθέρια

7) Πώς να διαλέξετε τα σωστά αιθέρια έλαια για το ζώο σας με την τεχνική της κινησιολογίας

8) Τις ιδιότητες 20 αιθέριων ελαίων

9) Την ευκαιρία να βρούμε αιθέρια έλαια για ένα ζώο δικό σας και την ευκαιρία να ρωτήστε την Μαίριλυν σχετικά με το ζώο σας.


Η Μαίριλυν Πήτερς έχει μεταπτυχιακό με θέμα την συμπεριφορά των ζώων και την πρόνοια τους (MSc Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare) από το πανεπιστήμιο του Εδιμβούργου. Επιπλέων είναι αναγνωρισμένη διπλωματούχος αρωματοθεραπεύτρια για τα ζώα στο εξωτερικό όπου και διδάσκει (GEOTA και ΙΑAWE).

Κόστος Σαββατοκύριακου: 120 Ευρώ

Κόστος μονοήμερου: 80 Ευρώ

Προκαταβολή 50 Ευρώ με την εγγραφή η οποία δεν επιστρέφεται με τυχόν ακύρωση.

Η τιμή περιλαμβάνει 5 ώρες διδασκαλίας κάθε μέρα, καφέ, τσάι και ελαφρύ φαγητό.

Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι να επικοινωνήσουν με την Μαίριλυν στο mpeters@ark.info ή στα τηλέφωνα 210 8082795 και 6948835658. Λόγω περιορισμένων θέσεων θα τεθεί σειρά προτεραιότητας.